Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What's going on? (Part 1)

Tuomo writes: Since this is a day off from school, I've been just hanging around. Mailed some thank you notes. Had lunch at Tim Hortons. Cross stitched for a while. Prepared my plan for Finnish class for tonight (numbers, times, phone numbers). Wasted a lot of time on Wikipedia and YouTube :-) I should probably work on my informational interviews, but I can finish those tonight when I come back from teaching; I'd rather indulge myself in the pleasures of blogging.

I kinda like my Wednesdays (mini-weekends) because that's a day off from my Monday-through-Friday routine at Kwantlen (Richmond Campus) where I'm attending the Career Choices and Life Satisfaction course. This started way back in September when Dave saw an ad in the local paper for a course for people considering career changes. The campus was also just around the corner, so rather than mindlessly surfing the Internet for open positions to which I'd never send my application, this seemed like a more structured approach to establishing myself in Canada. I talked to the coordinator of the program (a very nice lady), and although the program was geared towards women only (though the coordinator was trying to make it co-ed), I decided I was ready for this. Unfortunately the group didn't become co-ed and/or all the seats were taken, so I was referred to the coordinator of the same program in Richmond. Same interview again, and voila I was enrolled!

The syllabus consists of tests to discover our occasionally hidden interests and skills, getting to reflect on our goals and values, and - best of all - actively sought opportunities to explore careers (interviews, practicums, etc.). A two-week period of an opportunity to job shadow in the campus' Learning Center, where I've been tutoring in ESL since Monday (!), might be coming up, so keep your fingers crossed...

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