Friday, January 4, 2008

The Big Move - Day Three

Tuomo writes: What a waste of time! I attended an orientation/introduction fair for new Kwanteln employees, and all I can say is it was a waste of time. The overview of policies could have been interesting, but it all boiled down to "read our website, and call us if you have any questions." Even the session on labour union was a disappointment. The person who was in charge of it was unable to attend, so a substitute was called in; unfortunately this happened at the last moment, and the session was all about, "Sorry, I don't have material for you, but you can read all about your rights on the website. Oh and if you're interested in becoming a shop steward, let us know."

The afternoon consisted of power shopping at IKEA. We came home with a Klubbo TV table, a Galant office desk for Dave, and two Konsistent shelf units for my office. Needless to say, we also got some storing material and more clothes hangers for the walk-in closet, so the excitement of moving to the new house just keeps on increasing!

I'm feeling quite tired after two coolers that we had with Angie; even the pizza we had for dinner didn't wake me up. Consequently, once again I'm going straight to bed after this...

Tomorrow's then the Actual Big Move, or the day when bigger furniture gets moved over. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I know for sure that by the end of the day I'll be aching all over the body, and my knees will be killing me. But then we'll be able to sleep in our new house for the first time too... Oooohh the excitement!

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