Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Can a Bagel Be a... Bridge?!

Tuomo writes: Here's a song that has been playing in my head for a couple of weeks now: Ein Lied Kann ein Brücke Sein "A Song Can Be a Bridge" by Joy Fleming. This song was the German entry to the 1975 Eurovision Song Competition held that year in Stockholm, Sweden. This is the context where ABBA made their big breakthrough with Waterloo (the winning country hosts the competition the following year), and as they say the rest is history...

Anyway, Ein Lied didn't place higher than third from the end, and as such was lost to me - until our most recent visit to Helsinki in May. We had arrived early on a Sunday morning, and consequently totally jet-lagged. However that didn't deter us from from going on a pub crawl. What was supposed to be the last stop on the tour was probably the most depressing Irish pub EVER, so we were really tempted to live it up a bit by having "just one more, the tiniest of drinks" at Hercules, or better known as Herkku ("Deli"). Eurovision mania was running high in town, Helsinki being the host this year - finally after 41 years of ups and down (mostly miserable downs); as a result, the club was playing classics from years and the dance floor was PACKED! We got on the floor and didn't get off until like 2AM. After a sequence of Turkish entries and having probably embarrassed myself at attempting to belly dance (but who cares, I was just visiting) came Ein Lied, and our friend Pekka went hysterical. Pekka ("Honestly..."), my other source of life wisdom - as in WWPS, or What Would Pekka Say - has been a role model to me in many ways, Eurovision trivia being one of the areas that I admire him in. He rattled off the year and other vital stats and then went on dancing his butt off...

In sum as this song has been playing in my head for the past couple of days, I haven't been able not to think about him and his partner Timo, who we both miss very much. We go back like to the academic sand box, i.e. our freshman year in college. Sigh... Anyway here's the YouTube clip; be sure to pay attention to Joy Fleming's funky moss green (velour?) outfit and her hairdo, then the must have style :-) But most importantly, enjoy the song! Pekka, tää on sulle!

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