Saturday, October 25, 2008

We're South-East Asian!

Tuomo writes: We had nothing else to do, so we took the Which Country Are You quiz. Here are the results, first for me, then for Dave:

Tuomo: You're Vietnam! After years of muddling through on your own, you've finally repaired yourself to a point of respectability. You would have been much better off had people you didn't like not kept insisting on spending so much time with you. But
those times are fading quickly and these days you're pretty sure you won't get burned.

Dave: You're Thailand! Calmer and more staunchly independent than almost all those around you, you have a long history of rising above adversity. Recent adversity has led to questions about your sexual promiscuity and the threat of disease, but you still manage to attract a number of tourists and admirers. And despite any setbacks, you can really cook a good meal whenever it's called for. Good enough to make people

Now that was positive!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guess what I am... Känädä of course! "If it weren't for your weird affection for ice hockey, you'd be the perfect person." Does ice hockey entail ladies' figure skating, too?