Saturday, December 27, 2008

Now Where the Heck is Kyle?

Tuomo writes: Whenever Dave and I go on holidays and don’t have access to Breakfast Television, someone seems to get booted off the morning. First Dave and Simi and now, case in point: Kyle “Argyle” Donaldson.

When we returned from our Thanksgiving week, we were mighty disappointed when Kyle wasn’t there to wake us up on Monday morning. Or on Tuesday… Or for the rest of the week. We were like, "What the bleep!" In the meantime, someone called Riaz Meghji had taken over Kyle’s role on BT. Riaz is entertaining and all that in that puppy-eyed kinda way, but something’s missing. We definitely want Kyle back!

Hmm... maybe we should stop travelling... :-)

According to my source on things related to BT, Kyle had made this really off-colour statement live, and for this reason he allegedly got booted. On the other hand, the BT crew has the habit of making off-colour jokes all the time, which in the States would have had them all fired ages ago, so I don't quite get it. Nevertheless, I have seen Kyle on City TV news at noon, and his profile still appears on the BT website, but no pics of Riaz. So what the bleep?!

For info on Riaz, here's a blurb when he was still in Toronto and a YouTube clip. Tytti, are you watching? What do you think? :-)

On a more positive note, I learned while reading Laila Yuile's blog that Dave Gerry is not only back on TV (Monday thru Friday on CBC at 3 PM - yayyy!) but Laila has posted two guest blogs by Dave (Nov. 24 and Dec. 1).

My Dave’s car already has a Phoebe; thanks on Dave Gerry’s to-the-point observation, it now also has an Antonio :-)

Man, do I miss Dave Gerry in the mornings...!

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