Saturday, December 8, 2007


Tuomo writes: WWJCD? No, I have gone evangelical... well not quite... I've become a huge fan of Justin and Colin, or more precisely Justin Ryan and Colin McAlister. This real life gay couple are the hosts of my favourite show on HGTV, The Home Heist. Because bad design, Canada, is a sin.

Originally from Scotland (I looove their thick and occiasionally unintelligible accent!), they are my gurus when it comes to decorating. On their show, they arrive at a home that is in dire need of some form of design resuscitation and then they perform their designing magic. Drama is inevitable, and witticisms fly something fierce. And the results are fabulous. And let's not forget Colin's (or is it Justin's) oversized yet fabulous boutonniers that just keep on getting bigger and bigger...

If only they could pay a quick visit to our new home and give their seal of approval to our sense of fabulousness :-) Or is it fabulousity?

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