Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Long Time, No... Write!

Tuomo writes: It's been almost a month since my last post, and a lot has happened in course of the past month. There have also been a lot of requests for more photos, but for the time being the answer is no...

The vac/security guy eventually did show up and did his thing. And it only took him the whole day; he even had to have a colleague come over help him in the afternoon to get everything done in course of one day. Ironically, i was there the whole day, but I haven't been too keen about using the alarm. Dave on the other hand has been more diligent about using it - but he has also set it off inadvertently a couple of times. On one occasion, he was delayed turning it off so much that they actually called from the securty agency to check if everything was OK. In other words, now we know for sure that the security system works! :-) The central vacuum cleaner also works...!

The painter also came over and painted parts of the living room area Acapulco Aqua and one of the walls in the master bedroom Westover Hills. We had very different initial reactions to the Acapulco Aqua. I had had the benefit of seeing the results in broad day light, whereas Dave didn't see them until sundown. So when Dave home, he looked around for a while and (in his subtle ways) went, "BLUE!" He went on for days and days wondering if he really liked the color, and he would ask visitors for their opinion. About week later he finally started to calm down and declared that he did like the colour - but only after changing some lamps, which admitttedly had a positive effect.

We also moved the rest of our belongings the second weekend of January, i.e. one weekend earlier than planned. Our landlady had asked if we could be out by the 25th, which meant that we had to spend one weekend moving the stuff over into the garage and then the following cleaning up. I finally managed to move the last cardboard boxes indoors, but that means that there are piles of "stuff" all over the place. My goal the next couple of days is to get my office in shape, and perhaps get started with organising my "collection" of cross-stitch floss (dear God, you have no idea how many colours I have!!!). But I think that I'm starting to see light at the end of the tunnel...

Now the only fly in the ointment is if only we could get our master bedroom set delivered...! Our plan to sleep in the guest bedroom in the basement was supposed to be only temporary, nothing more than for ten days. However, it's been now more than a month, and there's still no info on when we're actually going to have our bed delivered. We made the mistake of deciding to have everything (i.e. the bed and the coffee table set for the living room) delivered at the same time. Now there's been a delay of some kind with the tables, meaning that our bedroom set is languishing and gathering dust in some godforsaken storage room while our tables are being made. Sleeping downstairs has been otherwise OK, except that all our clothes are upstairs as are the food and water bowls for the kitties and their litter box. In other words, we have to haul our fat asses all the way up to the top floor if we forget to bring our clothes down for the next day with us before going to bed or if we forget to take care of Teddy's and Ellie's needs while we're still upstairs working in our offices.

Which reminds me, I MUST go clean their litter box right after this because I forgot to do it this morning...

So that's what's been going on since mid-January. Oh and my toe, the one that initially turned flourescent green, is still intact...! :-)

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