Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Walking the Pounds Away

Tuomo writes: I thought I'd write a word or two on my first couple of days on Weight Watchers.

I've decided to focus this week on two things: drinking more water and maybe taking baby steps at walking as a form of exercise. I have this bad habit of drinking Diet Coke almost all the time. I mean, for instance if I have to pay for my beverage (like on campus), I'd rather pay for a Diet Coke than a bottle of water. So I've made a serious effort of drinking water whenever I usually grab for a bottle of soda. In fact yesterday (on campus!) I had a bottle of water with my tuna sandwich. I did relapse though when I had a (one!) slice of veggie pizza as my pre-Finnish class meal...

As for walking I walked around Landsdowne Park Shopping Centre on Monday - outside; I may be over forty, but I ain't no mall walker yet :-) It took me a bit over ten minutes, and damn if I didn't start feeling a bit sweaty! I get home a bit earlier today, so I'll have to make an effort of getting to work a bit earlier so that I can do my walk around the mall before that.

As for meeting my daily allowance of 33 points per day, I think I've gone a point or two over on each day. Fortunately I have 35 "spare" points to spread out over the week...

Now onto something more important: is Kosovo's declaration of independence going to ruin teh Eurovision Song Contest held this May in Belgrad? As always, there's drama in the air this time of the year, and now thanks to the Internet, the drama just gets more intense. Now what drama are you talking about, I hear you ask. Well, things like who'se going to represent [name of a country], was there a candidate that could've been better, what language is the song going to be sung in, and what is s/he going to wear. So this year all this drama may be more upstaged by politics than by the usual questions on (lack of) esthetics when some participating countries may have recognised Kosovo's independence by then. Let's keep our eyes peeled as the season unfolds...

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