Monday, April 7, 2008

Eurovision 2008: Azerbaijan

Tuomo writes: As I mentioned earlier, this year features two newbies, San Marino and Azerbaijan. So hailing from the shores of the Caspian Sea, here's Azerbaijan, Elnur & Samir, and Day after Day:

Here or

When I read the name of the song, I couldn't help thinking way back to 1982 when the Swedish entry was called Dag efter dag, or "day after day." Elnur & Samir's interpretation of the same concept couldn't have been further removed from the 50s schlager infused performed by Chips (which, incidentally, is the recipe for every Swedish entry tee hee hee). The first 20 seconds of falsetto shrieking made me cringe in fear and pain of what the remaining 2 minutes and 40 seconds would offer...

Much to my surprise, Day after Day evolved after those ear-piercing 20 seconds into a more melodious, yet heavy metal style (pop?) song. Once again, I thought of Depeche Mode, so by the time I got to the end, I realised that I actually liked this one. In fact, Azerbaijan will almost certainly give Finland run for its money! This was so much better and stylish... But in the end, how will they perform it live on stage. Will they bring down the house (no pun intended) by attracting televoters across the continent - or will it be reduced to sheer cacophony?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

David D'Or (Israel 2004) meets DJ Bobo (Switzerland 2007). Now this show I want to see! Maybe Finns will vote Azerbaijan..