Saturday, April 5, 2008

(in a whispered voice) We Saw Gay People

Tuomo writes: I guess our most persistant "bagel point" since our move has been the lack of visible gay people in the Lower Mainland. Ironically, just this past week, a report on so-called visible minorities (Canadian for non-Caucasian) came out; I sighed and turned to Dave and said, "I guess we don't belong to that group."

About two months ago, our friends Jerry and Michael (link to their blog on the right) in Maryland, set up a "blind date" with friends of their, Tim and Keith, who had also moved permanently to Vancouver. They were considerate to reach out first, and what do I do> drag my feet for like a month before I respond!!! At any rate, last night we finally got our act together and met. And what a pleasant evening it turned out to be, so many thanks, Jerry and Michael!!!

We had a drink over at their place, then went out to explore Davie Street, the gay area of Vancouver, and had dinner at a Greek restaurant. After dinner we walked around and returned to their place for a cup of coffee. All in all it was exactly what we have been missing since last June: just being able to relate to someone who's gay.

Interestingly enough, when we compared notes, we realised that some of our friends' reactions to the news that we were moving to Canada had shared the same tone - incredulity: why, are you sure, how come, almost how dare you... Fascinating...

So hopefully, we'll be able to get together again, and this time Dave and I will be hosting them - in our not as fabulous neighborhood in Langley :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.